Sunday, February 19, 2012

Quick Jackson post

Just a quick post before I pass out tonight. Marty and I survived the drive out to Salt Lake to pick up the crew and then arrived at Jackson yesterday at about 4:30 AM. Naturally we had to go out and get our shred on with almost no sleep. The holiday crowds were not as crazy as I expected, especially by Tahoe holiday standards. Jackson Hole is incredible; the mountain is so much more intimidating than anything that we have in Tahoe. Such intense sustained pitch on the majority of the mountain, even the "easier" blues and groomers are so steep by Tahoe standards and I couldn't be more stoked. We found some decent turns even late on a holiday Saturday, which never ever happens in Tahoe. It snowed intermittently throughout the afternoon, a pleasant precursor to the storm that rolled in for the evening/night. We woke up today to slightly less than the total projected snowfall the night prior, but we still got out there and found some incredible turns in the sidecountry. My knee started to give out a bit on the hiking, which hindered my day slightly and turned me into the tokin' whiny bitch for the day. Other than that minor set back (I'm typing this as I ice my knee and we watch the newest Shameless), the shredding has been the best of the season so far. I am so spoiled to get some incredible Tahoe pow days right before I leave and transition seamlessly to Jackson pow days. Life is good... Here's some quick footage from the first run off the Crags today. First time filming with the GoPro2 and the sweet GoPole mount. Turned out pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.

Second day at Jackson from Max Schneider on Vimeo.

Jackson is just a little bit better than Tahoe right now.... (upped it in a low quality, I'll have to wait to get home to edit a good high def video, the net out here on the ranch leaves much to be desired).

Hopefully get some more good footage tomorrow.



  1. Nice camera work Max- you're making Speilberg nervous! Glad to know the resort and conditions are keeping you stoked and having fun. Cheers!
    p.s.- Let's mount a camera on Isis while we walk through a bunch of people in a crowd.
