Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Our goal is zero fatalities"

It feels great to be over that cold at long last. In fact, I felt so good today that I decided to spend my day off doing something every Tahoe local enjoys (yet simultaneously despises), driving to Reno to go shopping! 80 is a mess in Reno with construction currently and as you enter the outskirts of the city the double-fine construction zone signs are there to greet you. It was a little taste of home; Highway 101 back home is pretty similar with its never-ending construction mess. Also greeting you in Reno is the overhead highway message sign that currently ends with "Our goal is zero fatalities." I found this oddly hilarious, it's like the state of Nevada is telling motorists, "it's just a construction zone, nothing worth dying for, so just slow down guys." I almost wanted to try and take a picture while driving, but I didn't want to end up ruining their construction zone goal. After a long day in Reno hitting the usual spots and doing a little gearing up for Jackson at Sierra Trading Post, it was time to make the trek back to the lake. There is nothing like a day down in Reno to make me appreciate how much I love Tahoe. On my drive down the west shore this evening, I was welcomed home with an amazing sunset.
Awesome phone pics, really wish I had my camera on me...

Hey, I can see Gunbarrel from here!

Spent some time in the shop last night waxing and tuning the quiver for Jackson. The sad reality of this Tahoe winter hit me once I had finished... I'm still on my rock board because the conditions still suck... And I have these two beauties waiting quietly in the boardroom, all three of us eagerly awaiting some actual snowfall to save us.
2012 Quiver, ready for Jackson!
 Anyways, back to work tomorrow, looks like I might go out to Squaw early for some laps in the morning. 

And in the meantime, more music!!!

Michael Myers and his twin bro marking their next victims... or just Knife Party dropping some club bangers
Today, I've got Knife Party's newest four song EP that they decided to give away for free a few weeks back. Knife Party is the electro/dubstep group founded by two Australians, Rob Swire and Gareth Mcgrillen, both of Pendulum fame. This album has a ton of energy and each song has a slightly different feel to it. Fire Hive goes more of the hard-hitting dubstep route, complete with glitched out reggae-esque vocals prior to some massive drops. Internet Friends is an absolutely hilarious track, I highly recommend this solely for the ridiculous female text-to-talk voice playing the role of an obsessed online girlfriend. The computerized vocals and multitude of samples flow in and out of a seriously fun electro-house banger; these guys clearly had a lot of fun putting this song together. Tourniquet has more of a progressive house feel, and Destroy Them with Lazerz jumps right back into the high paced electro craziness these Aussie producers are so good at.

Knife Party - 100% No Modern Talking EP (2011)

Fire Hive:


Destroy Them With Lazerz:

Internet Friends:

That's it for today, more tomorrow!

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